International Association for Continuing Education and Training
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Accreditation shows your commitment to quality education.
Accreditation gives you a competitive edge.
Accreditation strengthens your capabilities.
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The International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) developed the original Continuing Education Unit (CEU) and today ensures that providers of continuing education and training can prove they provide high-quality instruction by following the ANSI/IACET 2018-1 Standard for Continuing Education and Training through a 蚂蚁vp(永久免费).
Find IACET Accredited Providers of Continuing Education and Training
As the official standard for continuing education and training (CE/T), IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are recognized by a wide range of organizations.
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Secure Portal for Current or Prospective Providers
Examine IACET's eligibility requirements and application process. Download the Authorized Provider Self-Assessment Checklist and Free Accreditation Guide. The checklist is designed to make sure your organization is ready to submit an application by going through a checklist intended to identify any gaps in policies, processes or evidence that must be addressed before an application is submitted. The guide will give you information on IACET, the importance of the IACET CEU, what to expect from the Standard and AP Application, as well as the process, price, and timeline on becoming accredited as an IACET Accredited Provider.
Step 2: Download the Standard and Application Access
Purchase and download the ANSI/IACET Standard and Application (Prospective AP only), $495. Note: Providers seeking reaccreditation should purchase the Standard and Reaccreditation in the online application system. You’ll need to ensure the name of your organization is listed when purchasing the application. Once the Standard is purchased, the prospective provider is allowed one year to submit the application for accreditation. During this 12-month cycle, IACET will be communicating with different events and resources that can help your organization achieve accreditation. You will also have access to the online application for accreditation.
Step 3: Submit Application Online
IACET's application for accreditation is now 100% online. You can take up to one year to complete and submit your application. Once you have compiled all of the evidence requested in the application you will be ready for the virtual review. Upon submission, a $4,290 non-refundable application review fee is due for the review process to begin. Additionally, the applicant will remit the organization's first year's membership dues of $1,095. The membership dues are refunded in the event the organization fails to achieve accreditation.
IACET verifies a number of factors that can only be achieved with a site review even for virtual organizations. Site visits take approximately a half day. IACET reviewers will document that the Standard is being followed by the organization and that the attestations in the application are accurate.
Enjoy accreditation in 5 year spans. Reaccrediation documentation should be submitted to IACET 90 days before accreditation expires. The process of reaccreditation is very similar to the intitial process of accreditation.
About Accreditation
The ANSI/IACET Standard for Continuing Education and Training is a universal model for learning process excellence. It defines a proven model for developing effective and valuable continuing education and training (CE/T) programs by measuring a CE/T provider's training program from procedure to process to result.
Because the ANSI/IACET Standard focuses on how continuing education and training programs are developed, not 奈飞加速器 they cover, it provides a certifiable framework of researched and proven best practices that can be applied across disciplines and industries.
The ANSI/IACET Standard measures all aspects of a CE/T provider’s program development across ten nationally recognized categories. This has allowed for the ANSI/IACET Standard to be recognized as the official standard for CE/T in the world. Within the competitive marketplace, can you afford to not be recognized by a reputable organization certifying your commitment to high-quality, excellent education?
Upcoming Events
August 12, 2023
Accreditation Assistance Webinar
via GoToWebinar
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September 2, 2023
Accreditation Assistance Webinar
via GoToWebinar
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September 9, 2023
Introduction to IACET Accreditation Workshop (Remote Only)
Remote participation via Zoom
Remote Attendee (Non-Member)$649.00
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September 23–24, 2023
2023 Annual Conference
via Zoom Webinars
Remote Attendee (Member)蚂蚁海外加速器永久免费版
Remote Attendee (Non-Member)极光vpm破解无限版
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October 14–15, 2023
IACET Train-the-Trainer Workshop: A Practical Approach to Training Adults (On-site & Remote)
Sterling, VA
Remote Attendee (Non-Member)$1,049.00
In-Person Attendee (Member)$999.00
In-Person Attendee (Non-Member)$1,049.00
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October 14, 2023
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via GoToWebinar
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October 16, 2023
Open Digital Badges: Application, Scaling, and Rollout
remote participation via Zoom
Early Bird Remote Attendee (Member)$449.00
Early Bird Remote Attendee (Non-Member)$549.00
Warning! This event requires that you have completed Open Digital Badges: Theory and Design as a prerequisite. If you continue with registration, the prerequisite will be automatically included as part of the registration. This will be an additional $599.00.
vpsyc:“618”活动,充值100送10,cn2 gia vps低至6.5折 ...:2021-6-13 · vpsyc的洛杉矶cn2 gia vps在搞618活动:充值100元送10元,不设上限,针对所有已开通VPS的用户;除此之外还有常规促销:月付8折、季付7.5折、半年付7折、年付6.5折,有一定的性价比!
October 20, 2023
Preparing for IACET Reaccreditation (Remote Only)
Remote participation via Zoom
Remote Attendee (Member)$349.00
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November 4, 2023
Accreditation Assistance Webinar
via GoToWebinar
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November 17, 2023
Introduction to IACET Accreditation Workshop (Remote Only)
Remote Attendee (Member)$599.00
Remote Attendee (Non-Member)$649.00
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November 20, 2023
Open Digital Badges: Application, Scaling, and Rollout
remote participation via Zoom
Early Bird Remote Attendee (Member)$449.00
Early Bird Remote Attendee (Non-Member)$549.00
Warning! This event requires that you have completed Open Digital Badges: Theory and Design as a prerequisite. If you continue with registration, the prerequisite will be automatically included as part of the registration. This will be an additional $599.00.
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Preparing an Initial IACET Application: Documentation, Evidence, and Annual Reporting (Remote Only)
Remote participation via Zoom
Remote Attendee (Member)$599.00
Remote Attendee (Non-Member)奈飞加速器
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December 9, 2023
Accreditation Assistance Webinar
via GoToWebinar
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December 11, 2023
Open Digital Badges: Application, Scaling, and Rollout
remote participation via Zoom
Early Bird Remote Attendee (Member)$449.00
Early Bird Remote Attendee (Non-Member)$549.00
Warning! This event requires that you have completed Open Digital Badges: Theory and Design as a prerequisite. If you continue with registration, the prerequisite will be automatically included as part of the registration. This will be an additional $599.00.
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Saudi Water Academy Becomes Accredited Provider of IACET CEUs
The International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) has awarded the Saudi Water Academy the prestigious Accredited Provider accreditation. IACET Accredited Providers are the only organizations approved to offer IACET Continuing Education Units (CEUs). The accreditation period extends for five years, and includes all programs offered or created during that time.
21670 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 170
Sterling, VA 20166
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The International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) is excited to announce the opening of signups for 2023-2021 committees and taskforces.
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IACET Call for Director Nominations 2023
The Nominations and Elections Committee is seeking nominations from the membership to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors.
IACET is pleased to announce that Michael Zimmerman has agreed to consult with IACET to provide stratetigic marketing and communications services that will position IACET for increased exposure and engagement.
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Apply to Become an IACET Commissioner (Site Visitor)
IACET is actively recruiting dedicated learning and development professionals willing to serve as site visitors on the IACET Commission for Accreditation to the ANSI/IACET Standard for Continuing Education and Training.
IACET is actively recruiting dedicated learning and development professionals willing to serve on the IACET Council for Standards Development (ICSD). The Council oversees the IACET standards development and maintenance process to ensure compliance with the American National Standards Institute’s (ANSI) Essential Requirements for Standard Developers.
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Mission and Vision
The International Association for Continuing Education and Training’s mission is to:
Improve the quality of continuing education and training worldwide through accreditation.
Our vision is to:
Advance the global workforce.
View Provider's Website
IACET Accredited Provider Since: 2001
For over 35 years, the Institute for Motivational Living (IML) has been observing, studying, analyzing, and tracking trends in human behavior and behavioral analysis. The Institute conducts studies, designs and publishes all intellectual property, including DISC and other behavioral assessments and courses of study, as pertained to DISC Theory, and delivered through PeopleKeys online technology. IML copyrights everything delivered by PeopleKeys technology and websites.